Customization: | Available |
Usage: | Outdoor Gear, Agriculture, Shipping, Security |
Certification: | ISO9001: 2000, CCS |
Still deciding? Get samples of US$ 4/Meter
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Suppliers with verified business licenses
Audited by an independent third-party inspection agency
As an independent private company, ROPENET was engaged in fiber ropes and nets manufacturing from China. Now the firm become the worldwide pioneer in various areas for commercial marine, commercial fishing, work safety, agriculture, yachting, industrial and sport applications. Innovative and exceptional products and services, which are clear reflection of the strengths of ROPENET.
ROPENET was founded in 2002 to meet the booming demand of ropes from overseas market, mainly in DIY & Hardware segment. Since the beginning, the company business strategy has been export oriented, focusing on the basis of specialization, innovation, classification and flexibility. ROPENET operates a worldwide network in more than 110 countries that results in a sales figure of 55 million USD in 2019.
ROPENET is committed to providing reliable and environment-friendly products. Quality, innovation and sustainability are critical measures for ROPENET behaviors. It is our prior concern to understand the issues involving quality risk associated with our products and to continually improve. We regard every yarn has a life. Under strict control of production management,we ensure over 97% of our raw material gets into finished products.
ROPENET is an ISO 9001 certified manufacturer, an independent, third party certification process that guarantees reliability and efficiency in manufacturing. To be access with the newest technology and industrial news,ROPENET are active at different organizations to participate in the review of industry regulation and product stands.
With a vast experience of 20 years, ROPENET keeps its focus in the future, being strategically positioned at the center of ropes and nets global manufacturing, standing on the front line of innovation, continuously providing new solutions to serve a broad reach of sectors and international customer needs.
Retaining the position as pioneer , Moving towards most completed and specialized ,Promoting the rope and net industry.
Continually inventing, refining and optimizing to ensure the highest quality products and comprehensive service.
Quality Focused
So critical as life of enterprise. Each meter of the rope links to a trust - that's what ROPENET stands for. By relying on our expertise and delicacy management, we maintain an outstanding consistency in quality and continuous improvement in an on-going basis.
Customer Oriented
To build and consolidate partnership with our customers. ROPENET acknowledge what really the customers looking for, not just supplying the products required, but by a proactive approach to identify and integrate the customers specific needs based on their unique situation and market. Our experienced team are geared to satisfying each customers unique demand.
Dedication Appreciated
The extraordinary dedication shown by the ROPENET has always been a factor providing stability and motivation. The current hard-earned achievement is inseparable from the arduous work and selfless dedication of every ROPENET staff. The whole company's strong involvement in and commitment to the value help generate an atmosphere of dedication appreciated.
Integrity Respected
ROPENET highly value integrity of commitment. This core philosophy constitutes a key success factor for the continued positive development of ROPENET from our beginning. Integrity on all product's durability. Integrity on all cooperation's consistency. The deep acknowledge of this principle drive ROPENET into a close partner rather than a supplier.